Final New Campaign of the Season AND the Beginning Expeditions to the Barrier Peaks

I’m slow on the draw but the time has come. We are starting our last new campaign of the 2020 year onboarding the first HARPer AND our newest TARP member and after many years an original WARP member. That leaves several slots still open. Want one? Let me know.
Also – It’s finally time – Our Expedition to the Barrier Peaks is beginning – I’m sending in up to 16 people to try and establish a foothold and from there we’ll have 2-3 regular groups with meeting times Mon-Thurs and the Weekend group. You start together and seperate out. If you live… Barrier Peaks played correctly is a BLENDER being thrown into a THRESHER. Want one of the 16 spots? I have 42 requests… and 16 spots. Interestingly enough I’ll take the first 32 people because we will have alternates. If you’re transitioning an existing (9 of you indicated you wanted to bring a 2020 campaigner over) please indicate who so I can make that happen.
Also because it’s come up twice this year. WARP does NOT allow character imports from other campaign worlds. EVER. If you want to use a non-copyrighted name as a repeat and create someone similar to a favorite of yours do that all day long. I’m still going to write their history according to the Multaein storyline. But no character created outside of WARP EVER comes over. That’s why we have 3 lawyers to keep reminding me of that… 

Lots happening this week – Here’s to Autumn Revel, our last new campaign, The kick off for Barrier Peaks, and Slug Fest 2020 – Halloween Weekend!