The Lost Boys – Event 2 Decent


Hiding out in a 20’x20’ room, Sor leans back in his chair and gives a friendly but nervous smile at Roagataj. Offering suggestions to Raogataj the party asks a variety of questions regarding the indoctrination and on the leadership.  Sor cannot remember any specifics on the actual process.  He names his boss as Lol. When questioned about the buzzing noise in the main hall where the stairs are he states that the buzzing is where the unworthy are sent.   After some more questions Sor is released and sent back to work.  The party decides to barricade and rest in the room.  Soromon and Raogataj collaborate on spells. During the night between 2nd and 3rd watch noises are heard behind the wooden door in the hall.  No investigation is done at the time and the party rests without incident.  

In the morning there is commotion on both sides of the door.  The scratching and crunching in the hall grow louder.  While inside the room Baralas, Roric and Hendel debate on morning calisthenics vs archery practice.   Finally, it is decided that archery will be the way and the door is open and propped by a table to funnel the insects into the keen eye of the ranger.  Quick work is made of the beatles.  The party then moves back to the East then South looking to see if Sor is on duty again. 

Sor’s post by the door is empty.  The party notices that there is a second door and a statue at the end of the hall to the south.  The first door the sound of casual chatter can be heard.  The second door things seem more serious with the sound of someone being berated and a meek second voice answering that sounds to be Sor receiving a bad performance review.   Inspection of the statue by the trio of footpads Baralas, Downlo and Raogataj reveals no hidden compartments or doors.   The statue glitters and is of a muscular man wearing an old style of ring male.  In his hand is an arrow pointed upward and jagged.  The same symbol we have found elsewhere that is not used by a specific deity.  As the party turns back to the North the first door opens and a figure steps out into the hallway.

As a distraction Baralas steps forward and in a friendly manner asks ” Ah! Hello, have you seen Luko? We are to be meeting him here.”   Confused, the guard turns and goes back into the room leaving precious seconds for the party to choose to flee or fight.   With the efficiency of a party that has traveled together for years, a few quick looks the party moves into action.  Baralas jams a dagger in the southern door.  Roric cuts loose with arrows.  Raogataj charms a guard.  Hendel charges the leader.  Dowlow moves in and presses the attack. Soromon launches a magic missile at the leader.  The party makes quick work of the guards and the leader.  Unfortunately, Sor was lost in the battle but a new “friend” is now working with the party, Ril.  Searching the room several items are found including a flat key, a long needle and a footlocker (see items for treasure). Damage to the party is healed by quick bandaging and healing from Hendel and Downlo

Searching the room several items are found including a flat key, a long needle and a footlocker (see items for treasure).  Ril is given beer and questioned about the tap door and says that Kemdus (is the leader Kemdus or Lol) took them down and that those who survived entered the brotherhood.  When asked about the doors to the West he says that is where the ‘good stuff’ is and that he does not have a pass to enter.  After questioning, Ril is dismissed and asked to stand post at the door. Soromon and Raogataj take time to prepare another spell as the party searches.  Ril expresses concern as to when his relief will show up. 

Downlo takes a long look at the Western door and finds a small indentation where the long spike he found fits perfectly.  Skillfully, he disarms the trap and approving nods from the other two footpads.  As the trap disarms a rune flashes, the mages recognize the nature of the trap to be explosive runes and warns the party. 

The door opens to an amazing sight.  Several fist size bees buzz around a golden cage with a pile of treasure! Gold, gems and jewelry that looks to be worth a fortune.  The cage sits on top of a honeycomb and the sticky goo covers part of the treasure.  Intense discussions begin about what to do.  All ideas spell certain doom for our heroes until Hendel suggests burning the oil the party found to produce smoke to pacify the bees. After some experiments with a few torches it seems that this is an effective way to pacify the bees.  With the room filled with smoke Baralas agrees to traverse the room and examine the door on the other side.  Halfway across the room he notices that there is a lock that will accept the flat key he found under the table in the guard room.  Despite the immense temptation he remains on tasks and examines the door finding it unlocked and quiet.  With the path identified, Baralas, Hendel and Roric lead the rest of the party over to the door and pass through. 

 The door opens into a priest chamber.  Immediately, the party notices two lizardmen figures that have been dead for some time.  They are holding some gold and jewelry and appear to have been stung to death.  The footpads spread out and search the room and quickly locate scrolls, a chest and gold (see items). There is a door on the west wall that is closed.  Raogataj listens at the door and hears breathing.  The party readies for action.  Upon opening the door, the party sees 12-15 small lizards with eggs.  When they hiss and attack, Roric unleashes an onslaught of arrows. Raogataj soon understands the creature’s tactic, they attach to a targe and draw attacks onto it to hurt the party members.  Once this is discovered the party is able to use their hands to dispatch the lizards.  A number of eggs are recovered. 

Exploring the hallway, Baralas discovers that it loops back to the first room encountered with the stairs and the glowing bugs.  A door is also found in the hallway with stairs leading down. 

Penned by Baralas for CARP 2021