Expedition to the Barrier Peaks: Event 2 Fire Fight (5e)


The Blue Knight has been defeated. Jinzik and Tosc are still frozen. The group crams our Gob into the room and sets out for a full rest. Our Mabden sits the metal corpse by the door. Sarek and Tagore search the room.

Sarek finds the outline of the band on one wall. I accidentally bumps it with my tail at a very low level. It is the outline where the armband goes. I motion to Tagore to see if he can activate it with his suit. Tagore waves the arm band in front of the area. There is a buzzing sound like the Family Feud. 

I spy a light panel and ignite the ceiling in light. A slight electrical charge comes from the motionless female metal mabden form. She does not smell good to eat. 

Jin and Tosc slowly thaw. It takes many heartbeats. Listening to their inane chatter it seems they had a sense of things happening, but nothing they could understand.

My hive companion takes a blade to the metal mabdens head. Lights flash and spark and K’Lr buzzes from the electrical charge. The dwar then raises his war axe. After 5 solid hits the head cricks off. All sorts of sparks and fluid are coming out. The fluid looks silvery black. This wo-mabden love doesn’t smell any good. Me thinks less things are meat here and are more pale. 

Fully rested, the group moves to the hallway and goes to the room next door.. Tagore creeps to the doorway and waves his bracelet in front of it. There is a mabden that is similar to the womab and there is another strange creature strapped down to a table. There is also a hanging spider-like above.

K’Lr comments to the figure holding the severed head up…

”Hey…can you fix this???”. 

The mabden, Doctor Love, says: 

“Maintenance is available, please come in.”. 

The mab has two things in his hand and leaps at our Zzzzzst. Love is holding up a spray can and a hypo. K’Lr tries to smash the bad doctor with the wo-mab head and hits him while springing to the side. Tagore leaps forward damage love severely while I summon my Marg, swing, and miss! **ROAR (Hissmar swear – unintelligible)

The foul metal doctor injects Tagore with the hypo…his hand bubbles and quickly returns to normal, and then he uses the spray canister on Sarek. 

K’Lr swiftly moves behind the metal mabden and cunningly stabs him. Tosc attacks and hits producing more sparks. The dwar utters an oath but there appears to be no effect. Our huge Gob moves in to inspect the being strapped to the table.

Tagore draws his sai hitting the metal mabden repeatedly. I then evoke my Kree, punching into the doctors side. The doctor is opened by the booming blade and Tagore takes out it’s humming heart.

The giant mis-shapen forGob continues to look at the immobilized being. The restraints suddenly go free. 

The Gob offers assistance while the dwar asks the being its name and what it’s doing in the room. 

K’Lr hits the motionless doctor with the blue bar attained in the fight with the wo-mab. There is a burst of static electricity and the body flops on the ground. The blue bar acted like a blunt instrument. 

The hanging spider is shiny and there are lights coming from it. It seems connected to the ceiling.

S715-ER replies “We do not need assistance. We are free.” 

S715 attempts to get off the table. Our Gob backs away.

Tagor asks S715-ER its primary mission. “To fight. We are to fight.”

K’Lr asks how they figure out who to fight. 

“Those that attack We. Those are for fight.” S715-ER responds.

As it stands, S715-ER is just slightly under Gobs height. Noting S715-ER’s injuries, the Gob blinks rapidly, thinking. Suddenly the Giant begins motioning and bright light emerges from his large mis-shapen hands. Kreesy casts mending and he feels the spell go through and into S715-ER. There is a snapping sound, like green wood cracking.

The doctor is wearing the same suit Tagore just put on from the womab. Jinzik stares for a long time at S715-ER. The Gnue has memory of such, and thinks S715-ER is an ancient warrior race from the far past. 

“We are unsure…we fell from the sky.” The sky fighter…

”Can you fly?” Asks Jin.

“We fell from the sky at the conjunction of the all father and supreme mother.”

During this exchange the dwar calls upon his faith restoring both Tagore and mineself fully.

Kreesy understands it to not be organic…it appears to be of some construct. Hard on the outside…but live on the inside. K’Lr asks if the being removed anything. 

“We have no weapons…weapons are preferred.” 

Our Gob hands S715 his short sword. 

“This is acceptable.” “We had equipment…we had belongings…they are…not here.”

There is a grey box tucked in behind the table that Tagore finds. He presses the indent with his finger. Nothing. Tagore hands it to Jnizik to pick the lock. A small line appears around the outside of the box. Inside appears to be a gold ring, several small packets (with gemstones and a clear horn material like the Tide Pods and a small cylinder that has a pull tab).

Our dwar searches doctor Love. He appears unadorned other than the hypo. Jinzik palms it while looking at the gem stone. The stones look like diamonds in clear packaging. 

The hypo appears to hold tide pods. One is collapsed (that is presumably what was injected into Tagore). 

I pull out the tide pods I found and compare them to the ones in the syringe. Ones in the syringe are dark and the ones on me are bright. 

The Gob senses that the tide pods are some kind of disease and Tagore’s constitution is keeping it at bay. Kreesy mutters more fool Gob sorcery on Tagore. The boils evaporate off Tagore’s arm and he is cured. I am a bit awed by this. Gobs are not much more common than I… Perhaps I will dignify it with it’s name.

The dwar takes the syringe and Tide Pods. Jinzik takes the tide pods and the can in the box. Tagore holds on to the spray can.

Jinzik looks at the spider thing. There are all sorts of appendages on it. It seems stuck. All of the different appendages appear different. Two things look like syringes and one thing has a red ruby tip. Jinzik unhooks it. It looks like a wand with a wrist cuff. Jinzik tries to put it on his wrist. The ruby glows and the cuff fits his wrist. The wand sticks out over his wrist. Jinsik points it at the wall and squeezes it. It blows a huge hole in the wall. All sorts of sirens go off screaming of a medical emergency. 

Gob, Kreesy, pulls the spider down. Tagore tries to remove one.

Tagore goes back to the room with the womab. The group joins him back in the original room. S715-ER joins me in the front. This being looks tough. Tagore goes to hide in shadows in the hallway to observe the medical bay. 

Tagore detaches the arms from the spider. He hears a metal grinding sound and one of the pieces comes off. As we do that there is an image on the wall of another room. They seem like S715R and are more round, and have tentacles on their side. They are moving towards a giant container trapped in a stasis like field. We see the primary sun in the sky. Suddenly the creatures use their tentacles to eject the creature down the side of the mountain. It lands with a splat. It shakes itself off and walks away. He throws it in the back pack. 

I  yank the clawed arm off. It snaps and releases. I discover that the clamp is closed. It looks like a Mabden catcher. 

S715R takes an arm off the item and K’Lr takes electrical damage. Kreesy takes the plunger arm off the robot. 

Our dwar heals the insect.

The dwar, it calls itself Flint, grabs the probe. A spike comes out and hits Tosc in the shoulder. It’s attached to a cable in the spider. The cable is light gauge. Flint yanks it out and we see a pink chemical fluid come out of the shoulder. His shoulder is smoking. 

K’Lr pulls out a water skin and pours the water on the wound. It stops the damage. Say what you will o’ the insects. They are wicked-clever!

The group steps out of the room into the corridor towards the gray door. Tagore waves his bracelet in front of the door. It’s a huge room. There are all sorts of lights. Rendered couches. Trash. There is a small handle like we found in the eat room. Tagore pulls the handle. A tray appears…all lumpy in the top. Tagore pulls on the tab. There is an explosion of brown lumps and they cover the room. 

Tosc and Jinzig feel nauseated. The medical assessment from Tagore is that they inhaled the spores. Tagore hits Tosc in the stomach to make him expel the spores from his lungs. Flint utters a sharp phrase running his rough hand over Tosc’s head. Tosc appears to be healed. Jinzic’s skin seems to have small mushrooms growing from them. 

The Gob suddenly squints. He’s sees better than all of us in the dark. Kreesy reports 25 sets of eyes watching us in the lounge. They are being very cautious.  They are very small…smaller than Jinzig. Everyone steps into the room and the door closes. 

Tagore finds a discarded case filled with Gems. Tagore hands it to Jinzic and hands it to him for appraisal AFTER counting the gems in the box first. There are 3 gems. They don’t seem to have flaws. Tagore thinks they may have a functional purpose and searches the room for something they might be used for. Each one is a little different. 

Kreesy and Jinzik find a brown band. Jinzik puts on the brown band. I hears sounds where the eyes were. The creatures have moved and now are outside our door. Nobody understands what the sounds are. I huff and snoll. I cannot recall this smell. Perhaps vaguely. 

K’Lr opens the door. There are a gaggle of these creatures. We see shrooms covered in spikes and they have horns with feral looking eyes. There are 4 legged versions. One appears to have a big silver belt with side saddles, has javelins and has a device that looks like my globe device. Seeing that I strike first and hit the group with the gun. Tosc whips his hand in a downward motion and the area around us is encased in darkness. Tosc grabs the leader and pulls it back into the room. 

This beast has a belt on with a bunch of circular globes. 2 are red and one is black. 2 tubes where his waist is. Silver side saddle packs. Tubes, wires and glasses in the packs. Wrist clasp red ruby device in the other side saddle. There is also a yellow armband. Lots of coins, acorns, tide pods. Jinzik pulls the arm band off and puts it on his wrist where the brown band was (he will take that off). Jinzik gives the brown band to Tosc and he puts it on. 

His skin is green and brown and ends in thorns. 

Tagore examines the harness. 

S715R takes the javelins. Tosc takes the other laser cuff.

The other creatures are making dents in the door. They are trying to get in and recover their companion.

Tagore removes the harness from the creature. The saddle packs come off with the harness. This creature is about 5.5 feet tall. Close to Mabden sized. The harness can fit anyone. Tagore gives it to me and I straps the harness on. 

In the bags there are acorns, tide pods, all sorts of strange coins. In the glass box there is an odd looking glass and metal device that appears to be folded up.

The door starts to buckle. There is a pool of oil in front of the door placed there by K’Lr. 

The door collapses inward. We are looking at an ebony metal knight somewhat similar to S715R…but my size. Another metaben, only it has no feet, and where they should be it levitates several fists above the floor. It has strange blue lines across the top of his helmet and tentacles. It immediately ejects gas globes into the room. 

Flint is hit with bright red light burning a huge hole in his shoulder. The two tentacles grapple out…one for me and it can’t get a grip. The other one misses on S715R. 

I summon my Marg and throws yon trident at the metaben and it appears to be deflected by a globe of light. S715R throws the javelin. There is an electrical explosion and that ignites the oil fire. The metabin takes damage from the fire. Tagore uses step of the wind and acrobatics to go get the gun in the hallway, burning from the flame in the process. Tosc attacks with Eldritch strikes and misses. Flint throws his hand axe and misses… the metaben but clips Tagore in the back. 

Jinzik fires the ruby wand and hits the ebony knight. 

Once again I miss with mine Marg. More heat damage from the fire. S715R hits it with the javelin and it explodes. It’s ruby laser rattles to the ground. The barricade protects the group from the damage. The explosion goes into the hallway and takes out some of the smaller creatures. 

Tagore tries the weapon he gathered. I retrieve the ruby wand up from the metaben.

All of the fire cooks well and I attempt to shred one of the killed creatures. It’s like eating an Aloe plant. Kreesy grabs one of the other creatures and brings it into the room. 

Kreesy attempts to communicate with the smaller creature; explaining he means it no harm. Tagor misfires the gun and it is so cold that it does damage to him, and kills the creature. Tagor continues to mess with it and it starts to beep. Tagor tries to toss it into the hallway and it explodes into the hallway. 

Kaylar grabs a chair…and then sits the leader into the chair. 

Flint does a heal spell and heals Flint, Tagore, Kreesy. 

The group heads back to the room with the femab. S715R announces it will remain on guard as the party recharges. Kreesy attempts to communicate with the captured plant beast. It slices free of the hemp rope and it fires 4 thorns at him hitting twice. Kreesy is injured from the thorns and immediately leaps at me while I am resting. S715R hits it with the short sword for damage. And Kreesy hits it with a sleep spell. Just as the creature reaches for the weapon at my hip it collapses. 

K’Lr attempts to kill it with his dagger (brain stem). Kreesy moves to protect it. 

Jinzik puts the green stone necklace around his neck to see if it will do anything. Nothing happens. 

Kreesy again attempts to communicate with the creature. That he means him not harm. No luck. Kreesy doesn’t think it’s a plant. And thusly it is terminated by S715R. It has no skeletal structure, just a weird orange fluid that is halfway between molasses and maple syrup. Grade D maple viscosity. This place is hell-on-Mearth indeed.

Scrawled at rest; Sarek Mar of the Allfather – for CARP 2021