Expedition to the Barrier Peaks: Event 3A Darkness looking for light (1e)


The warms recklessly charge the metal sentinels, and they respond by hurting the warms.  Alarms claxon to summon more metal guardians.  Fearing the worst, self invokes the protection of the clutch and retreats into the safety of the hive chamber.  Instead of reaching the safety and warmth of the hive chamber, self senses a spark and flash of energy and self falls to the floor in a dark area, alone.  No longer manyself, self feels no other truerace.  Oneself can not reach selfs Krull.  What has happened ?

Darkness and silence surround self.  No not silence, self feels a faint humming and senses open space around self.  Placing a gem and marking it with selfs scent so selfs Krull can take a remembrance back to the hive.  Self moves cautiously into the darkness and encounters a jumbled set of bones near a faintly humming box.  Feeling with forelimbs cautiously, quietly self explores the bones of what appears to have been a warm blood.  So strange to keep selfs armor on the inside instead on the outside as is proper.  

Self finds what appears to be another shard, a belt and a pouch with some small objects in it by feel of selfs antenne, a short cloak, and the stretchy material that self has encountered before.  Also from feel, what appears to be another holy red wand is found that self has recovered from the large bletch earlier. Self attaches this strange horned device to selfs other karm.

Leaving a trail for selfs Krull, self starts out into the dark, quietly moving until self reaches a wall, no a corner as self moves cautiously along its surface.  Stilling motion, self reaches out with selfs senses, still onlyself not manyself.  Self thinks about warms and what they call bones and the holy red light, can self create light to see in the darkness enough to learn another incantation that could help self determine its way?  Self goes back and collects the warms bones, so strange these creatures are but perhaps they can help the truerace even in death.  Returning to the corner, self attempts to discern how to operate the wand of holy red light.  Stretching and twisting selfs karm, the device tightens and locks in place.  Self attempts to activate the holy wand recovered from the bletch but there is a quick flash of red light, then a click and a grinding sound.  Using the holy wand recovered from the bones of the warm, self understands how to stretch out selfs karm and use a foreclaw to activate it.  A flash of red light pierces  the warms bones but no fire ignites.  The holy light is too quick to ignite the bone.  Self will need to explore on selfs own.

Tracing selfs path, self starts forth in the opposite direction, passing over the gem and walks into the darkness.  Hearing a faint hum that sounds familiar self goes into the darkness moving quietly as self can.  Self suddenly stops, a small round pillar is in its way.  Self movies around it and continues to the humming before encountering a large box.  Self recoils remembering how the Scro destroyed the creatures by tossing them into the boxes before.  Self attempts by the faint light of a panel to relearn a spell but the light is too faint.  Self finds some dails and adjusts them, recalling how they worked to illuminate a room previously.  A crack and snap occurs and two more boxes nearby snap to life giving more illumination but still not enough to concentrate long enough to relearn a spell.

Self pauses, what did self sense ?  Self can sense the trace of selfs Krull.  Following the scent of selfs Krull and detecting the smell of the corpses of the creatures before, self finds oneself back at the entrance to this metal cave.  Self drops down into the room with the fount where the blech and SkySid were found.  Opening doors with the red shard, self senses selfs Krull and sends a welcome trill.  Once again manyselves, quickly tracing the path of the warms and selfs Krull.  Trilling a welcome, self arrives and joins the warmbloods as they look into a room filled with boxes and wonder.

  Blessings for the Horde – Xicanzu for GARP 2021

[Player’s note: Andrew is shocked I am still alive, evidentially I did not go in an *interesting* direction ;)]