Meet the Harper!

Sir Andrew

Sir Andrew Scott

Hail and well met. It is an absolute delight to greet you. Sir Andrew Scott is proud to represent the Guilds of WARP as our Dungeon Master and a founder of the club in 1976. Andrew Scott has held the reins as WARP’s DM since the beginning of 1978. Our club is honored to have Sir Andrew Scott run our campaign unbroken for over 44 years. WARP is known as one of the longest running Role Playing Game clubs in existence with almost 300 members. Andrew Scott makes his living as a professional adventurer. He is also a contributing author for various D&D products including The Lost City of Gaxmoor, DragonScales, and Metamorphosis Alpha. Knighted during the covid crisis of 2020, Sir Andrew Scott continues to drive our Guilds forward representing us exclusively at Conventions (GaryCon is our flagship) and in Campaign racking up an unmatched 1700+ hours of Dungeon Mastering in 2020. Andrew Scott is currently working on his continuation of a tournament module that he calls S3P Beyond the Barrier Peaks. At GaryCon (and conventions around the US), players meet the fate of the rest of the Starship Peregrine. He would love for you to wander the worlds of Multei the next time you attend GaryCon (See our list for all of the conventions WARP Guilds attend).