FARP Guild

FARP Guild

The Fairport Association of Role Players

The school year of 2013 saw the formation of a new Guild as the Harper settled into Fairport, New York. The youngest member of the Perry clan joined the great game and our club. With her support FARP was created and has established a strong following of both campaigners and tournament players.

Guild Master Aaron Shepard

I first met Andrew Scott back in 2011 when his oldest son Corwin was in my sixth grade English and history classes at Allendale Columbia School. Since then I have had his other children, Cameron and Jacquie, in my classes as well. Somewhere along the way I heard a rumor that Andrew knew a little about Dungeons & Dragons. I didn’t really think much of it, since I did not play at the time.

Fast forward to June, 2019. I had the idea for a while to try getting into Dungeons & Dragons, and perhaps even play with my students. I thought it would be cool to include it in my English classes as a form of collaborative storytelling, so I contacted Andrew to see if he knew of anyone who might be able to help me get started. I had no idea what I was getting into.

As it turned out, Andrew did indeed know a little about Dungeons & Dragons. He helped me incorporate the game into my English curriculum and gave me a ton of great advice. He also invited me to join FARP and play with him and his kids at his house. The idea of teaching collaborative storytelling with Dungeons & Dragons has since become incredibly popular at Allendale Columbia. The head of our middle school loved the idea and encouraged me to do more. I now have a sixth grade class and a seventh and eighth grade elective class specifically for collaborative storytelling using Dungeons & Dragons, Tales from the Loop, and Mouseguard RPGs. I am also considering adding Call of Cthulhu. My students and I also play once a week or so in English class.

If you would like more information about using Dungeons & Dragons in a school setting or with kids, or would like a copy of the “Benefits of Roleplaying Games” document I compiled for parents, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected]. I love sharing what I’ve learned and what I’m doing with Dungeons & Dragons and other RPGs.