The Harper’s Tale EX-2

Local editing and using graphics blocks

1) We had a letter from the editor, and sometimes the publisher called Advice from the Dark.

2) I would write a piece called Tales from Multei which was usually a historical piece regarding history of Mearth or the Spheres. If I was going to contribute going forward this is where I would provide content. 

3) We had Sharp Focus – This section was usually about rule review or to start a dialogue about something AD&D worth examining.

4) On the Inns Wall was a favorite – Characters posted things for sale, items or persons wanted, general information. This was usually a graphic of a wall with posted signs. 

5) Strider’s Travel Log – One of our long played Rangers reported in about his wandering through the Spheres. We need a new regular character to update our members and readers regarding Mearth. 

6) CompuSage – This was Guild Master Bennetts efforts to keep us up to speed on all things Fantasy and Computer related.

7) Pursuable Tomes – I would review books I was currently reading which might be of interest to the Guild.  

8) With such a complex rule system we had The Sorcerer’s Apprentice which was used to explain and help motive spell casters with their spell research and magic item creation.