The Lost Boys – Event 4 Let’s Make a Deal


  • Party includes Dane, the DrakSih M/U who’s joined our party for the time.
  • Stayed in room with hay bales for 30 hours  to recover HPs & for Soromon to learn L2 Spell from Lizard Mage’s spell book w/Dane’s help
  • Healing potion to Soromon
  • Magical club held by Roric
  • Party opts to explore current level a bit more before heading down a level
  • Initially skipped Sprite room & investigated next room
  • Next room, Green Slime attack.   Roric & Baralas engulfed.  Soromon MM into room killing main monster & Downlo using a torch to burn off green slime on Roric & Baralas.
    • Soromon finds ceramic jar with screw cap & holds onto it to investigate later
  • Party examines 3 large pottery jars at end of hall.  East one full of sand, but other two empty.  Much investigation until Hendel moves sand to center position & color spray effect noticed.  Sand now multi-colored & can be used as component for spells.  MUs & Baralas take poches of it
  • Back to Sprite room.  Dane & Soromon step back.  Baralas & Raogataj open door & share teeth, sand & some gp.  A sprite exchanges something with Baralas on back of his hand “for the next time he meets and elf.
  • Back through ladder room.  Our charmed guard now gone.  Into 20’x20’ Commanders room & door to Bee room open.  Kill 2 Bees & shut door to Bee room (4 more site + larger one).
  • Downlo uses thin “rod” to defuse explosive run on trap door in floor leading down, revealing 20’ bronze ladder  to 10’x20’ room.  Body in white robes face-down dead at bottom of ladder presumably burned by explosive rune trap..  
    • Raogati searches body & finds small wooden lightening bolt talisman ~2”
  • Party finds secret door opposite ladder & enters ceremonial room.  
    • 2 platinum candlebra.  One taken by Dane & one by Hendel
    • Lizard Statue ~12” high standing on Mabden with 2 lightening bolts on gold marble altar?
    • Malicious presence (un-dead?) sensed by Soromon with Helm of Telepathy, alerts party members & Dane, party backs to wall opposite statue & assumes defensive position
    • Downlo throughs vial of holy water striking statue.  Flying snake? with wings attacks Downlo, wrapping itself around his head.  Multiple party attempt to physically pull monster off unsuccessful.  Soromon uses magic missile spell killing creature.  
      • Hendel grabs statue
      • Raogatag finds trap door in pedestal revealing compartment w/slim spell book “Nexad”
    • Party find secret door along wall opposite pedestal.  
    • Downlo casts bless on party (not Dane)
    • Party feels “airflow” in hall.  Baralas attempts to explore to first corner but some succumbs to sleep like spell?  gas exposure?
    • Dane advises hall of chaos, but won’t affect mages
    • Hendel tests hallway holding breath which seems to overcome sleep like  effects
    • 3 mages traverse to other end of hallway; 90’ rope around Soromon in case party needs to pull him back
      • Dane advises there is a glyph on the door.  Initially Soromon & Ragataj see it, Soromon conveys its image to Dane.  Image of balance in Glyph.  Dane shouts to open door & Soromon is able to.  Dan advises “run” & slashes 90’ rope
      • Dane, Ragataj & Soromon barely traverse narrow 10’ walkway with rotating doorways in room covered in blood & guts “meat grinder” to opposite door with arrow of law.  Sub-party opens door & stumbles into a 10’ hallway.
        • Simultaneously, Roric runs through hallway making it narrowly into meat grinder room & into opposite corridor with mages just as doors slam shut
    • Back in previous corridor, Hendel, Baralas & Dowlow hold breath & chase after party.  Opening door with Rune summons forth 3 great white 6-armed apes.  Hendel attacks byt axe is wretched from his hands into narrow catwalk in meatgrinder room.  They kill 2 of 3 apes with last one disappearing.  
      •  Hendel is able to retrieve his axe & 3 party members are able to traverse meat grinder through arrow of law door & re-unite with rest of party (miraculously).
    • At end of long hallway with ornate paintings depicting keeps, citadels is door with image of three interlocking rings (Multie representation).
    • Soromon uses help to search out thoughts on other side, briefly senses multiple mages &  is abruptly shut out ‘9felt by the other M/u’s)
    • Next up “Mage Fire”

Soromon, Of the Morg Valley for HARP 2020