Date: 05/06/20

Location: Virtual 06:30 PM EST  11:00 PM

Club: WARP – Established 1976

Guild: VARP – Established 7.04.78 Vermont Association of Role Players

GARP – Established 3.15.18 GaryCon Association of Role Players


Started the event looking into a large cavernous space. The cavern is approx 200 yds long and 100 yds wide, with 6 passages, a rail running end to end, and a large table in the center.  On the track are 4 ore carts. Also in the room is a bird cage holding a large raven, and an extremely large Derro beating the living tar out of a mountain dwarf.  The table is covered with scattered items and a large, high quality axe is leaning against it. The passage at the far end of the cavern appears to have been busted apart by something very large.  The cavern is lit by a phosphorescent lichen.

The party engaged the Derro, first attacking with missile weapons (6) dipped in moonwort poison (paralysis) aided by Ertimei’s faerie fire spell. As the party attacks, the Derro buries his katar in the mountain dwarf’s face and we can see light approaching in the far passage (rail). Marsalis’ arrow hits and the Derro is paralyzed. The party advances as 4 bugbears enter the room from the far passage.  

Cyrus obliterates the fallen Derro’s head with his mighty warhammer. Al scurries under the table to check the mountain dwarf’s condition, which is very dead. Al is then attached by a homunculus that was waiting under the table.

Party engages the 4 bugbears and the homonuclei, killing them all. 

  • Ertimei’s arrow paralyzes one bugbear
  • Brazz eliminates one bugbear with a single strike
  • Al casts sleep on the homunculus…zzzzzz
  • Ertimei blinds the 2 bugbear still in the fight
  • Eliadel finishes off a wounded bugbear
  • Al kills the helpless homunculus with his dart, pincushion-style
  • Cyrus kills last fighting bugbear
  • Eliadel kills paralyzed bugbear
  • There is much rejoicing!

Note: The bugbears are very smelly, as is the ore in the carts.  Seems related to the excrement of something very large that may have pooped out the ore.

Ertimei approaches the raven in an attempt to communicate. She befriends the large, intelligent raven and feeds it some seed from the pouch found previously. The raven is from an ancient line of creatures raised by warriors and priests faithful to Freya.  The raven speaks dwarven, name is Lorone’, and tells us that Glor’n has been slain. Lorone perches on Ertimei’s shoulder and spreads its wings, showing runes at the ends of its wing feathers. Party searches bodies, table and ore cart, collecting loot (see below).

Party then proceeds to the passage to the right of where we entered, which appears to be lit. Can hear running water and feels fresh air. Finds dwarven runes that appear to mark an old burial chamber or crypt. The old runes are overwritten with rude writing basically saying “Stay Out!”.  We don’t heed the warning. Party proceeds toward the sound of running water and after triggering a floorplate trap that sends 2 8’ long archaic spears at the party (missing), enters a chamber housing a massive insectile creature (40’ long) that appears to be laying eggs and drinking from a stream/river at the same time. There is also a large pile of what appears to be large larvae of some sort, and 2 7’ tall weevil-creatures stand and approach. They are both armed with multiple weapons and one wears a Drow buckler on one appendage.  A battle ensues.

  • Dolmir and Marsalis are attacked and wounded. Marsalis is struck by a whip that has suckers on the end, which affix to his arm and begin to drain his blood, conveying it to the weevil, who benefits.
  • Eli kills one weevil.
  • Dolmir casts sanctuary and the remaining weevil and the momma-beast are soothed into uncaring.
  • Party begins to back away, but the larvae take notice and puddles of goo stick us to the floor. 
  • We find flame makes the goo brittle and we are able to escape.
  • Brazz butchers the docile weevil.

In the meantime, while the hardy are battling, the less-hardy were hanging in the corridor where they were being affected by a red dust that made them complacent and desirous of cooking some beans.  They were tasty beans. Marsalis, significantly wounded by the whip-of-sucking, drank a potion of extra healing, both restoring HP and ridding him of spider-like parasites transmitted by the whip. 

The dusted party members were shaken out of their stupor, and that’s where the event ended.