Date: 05/13/20

Location: Virtual 06:30 PM EST  11:00 PM

Club: WARP – Established 1976

Guild: VARP – Established 7.04.78 Vermont Association of Role Players

GARP – Established 3.15.18 GaryCon Association of Role Players


The party quickly realized that there were mind affecting spores in the corridor where Al and Marric were preparing a lovely meal.  Despite the hunger and need for rest the two chiefs were uprooted and taken back into the hall where the spear trap was for their heads to clear. 

While giving the afflicted a chance to recover several in the party noticed a secret door.  The door had ancient markings and had an outline of a dragon.  Examination was done on the door and cleverly the party was able to find a way to open it and also provide cover for Marric to work his skills.

The door was opened revealing a room with a mysterious light effect and a coffin.  While examining from a distance Ertimei collected some of the lubricant from the door.  Lorone’ was sent in to snatch a small crystal while Brazz gave a more hands on investigation. Moving into the room he noticed that the floor was metal and seemed to respond to his weight.  His search also awoke a hungry spirit and a creature living in the coffin.  After a short battle both were dispatched and the room was thoroughly searched and items hastily collected.  4 Magic torches were discovered that have unique properties depending on who is holding them and if they are covered or uncovered.  They also revealed a second secret door much like the first. The party then spends several minutes examining the effects and comes to understand that they have a mental effect on the bearer. 

Marsalis helps the party refocus on the task at hand of finding a way out.  Our heroes move quickly back to the room from where they first awoke but take note that another passage has opened up and is letting fresh air into the tunnels.   Quietly they make their way up a steep narrow passage to a landing where they find and procure a most usual trunk with animal paintings that move.   Alphonse suggests it may be a hedge wizard’s possession or have to do with a traveling circus.

The tunnel continues and opens to the outside where several members of the party are able to get their bearings among the site of an abandoned port and broken wagons, Winterhaven and the town of Chen Tau span before them.  Before they are able to choose a path, gnolls are spotted and quickly the party moves back into the pit room to plan a course of action.