Date: 06/03/20

Location: Virtual 06:30 PM EST  11:00 PM

Club: WARP – Established 1976

Guild: VARP – Established 7.04.78 Vermont Association of Role Players

GARP – Established 3.15.18 GaryCon Association of Role Players

Summary:  After a short rest the party exited the mine and discussed the next course of action. The Animal trunk was more closely inspected  to see if it was worth bringing it along or concealing it for the time being. After interacting with the blue animals on the trunk one of the rune covered bands was removed. Using one of the torches of true seeing it was found that the trunk held an imprisoned imp. Also the trunk had ties to a warrior with a shield emblem of a blue forest. Deciding to leave well enough alone the band was placed back on and the trunk was buried outside the cave entrance beneath the rubble. then it was off to investigate the gnoll pavilion.

While the scouts were backtracking the gnoll trail it was discovered that some of the tracks appeared to change as they advanced with the group of gnolls. Shape shifters. Then it was onward to the pavilion. Upon reaching the pavilion it was eerily quiet. No guards, nothing. On entering the pavilion a gruesome scene was discovered. All the female and young gnolls were massacred. Who or what would do that. While searching the perimeter of the encampment a mass grave with very well outfitted orcs was discovered.they were wearing extremely well made studded leather armor except they were all missing gloves and boots, Behind the pavilion was a pile of dwarven armor thrown into a pile and was seemed to be set on fire. then it was on to the town.

The town was quiet and no people were milling about, no people at all. Strange, buildings and things seemed to be in their proper place but perhaps not the right time?  After looking around, an inn was located and some of the party entered. Passing through the door some observed swirling out of phase feeling for a brief moment then all was “norma”. After a few beers at the bar two of the patrons were not what they appeared to be. Parting the veil of illusion the commoners beame figures wearing blue cloaks with gold trim, each with holding a green wand. After arranging  the services of the barmaid a fight broke out when the barmaid was thrown at the two figures and a mug of ale thrown on one as well. oddly enough the ale caused acid like burns on the one that got soaked. Apon dispatching the two their bodies seemed to shrivel and lose color. While this was going on the rest of the party also had an encounter with a patron of the bar with similar results. What’s real  and what’s not in this town? Is the town even real?