VARP(2B) Guild

VARP(2B) Guild

The Vegas 20Books Association of Role Players

Hail and well met. It is an absolute privilege to introduce the founder of VARP, our Club Caller, longest running active player, and the Guild Master of VARP. I give you James May. VARP, founded in 1978, was the solution to a problem the original VARPers of the Northeast Kingdom didn’t know they had. New kid in town Andrew Perry recognized the problem. In rural northern Vermont there was no outlet for heroic fantasy, no magic to be found. So Andrew resolved to bring the magic of fantasy to them. His family’s huge old house at the top of the hill on the outskirts of a tiny historic town became the place. Members of VARP would congregate on the third floor and adventure for hours. Andrew’s house became the center of continuous D&D gaming in Northern Vermont – and quite possibly in the entire state. For the few dozen members of VARP, D&D provided a portal from the mundane to a world that would inspire their adventurous spirits for years to come!

Caller & Guild Master James Dean May

James Dean “Jim” May began playing D&D on the 4th of July of 1978 at the age of 8, and is the founding member of VARP. His Ph.D psychologist aunt in Wilmette, IL thought it would be an excellent idea to introduce her visiting misfit nephew to her next door neighbors’ unusual son (Andrew Scott – The Harper).  When Andrew’s parents decided to take the family on a summer trip to experience rural Vermont, Andrew, deprived of his local players and dropped into what city kid could only describe as nowhere, determined he would make his own fun and turn the only kid he knew in the Kingdom into a real player. The DM is always right.